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Psycho-educational Groups:


What is Social Effectiveness Training?

Social Effectiveness Training (SET) was first developed by the Student Counseling Department of the Hong Kong University to train students in assertiveness in the 1970s.  The program started basing on a cognitive behavioural approach.  We modified it using laboratory method.  Since 1970's, this program has gradually evolved and polished.  Briefly defined, assertiveness is the approach in interpersonal behavior that one can protect their own rights and on the other hand also respect other people’s right.  It is believed that assertiveness is the most effective behavior in achieving our goals in social interaction.  In the process of achieving assertiveness, the participants will increase their self-confidence and self-esteem and better understand human behavior and improve in social interaction.

Who are we targeting?

In the 1970's, we started Social Effectiveness Training (SET) with young people, training their assertiveness and leadership skills.  Then we use SET to train front-line social service staff and middle management with very encouraging results.  Lately, we conducted SET for family caregivers and members of Caring Team of the church.

Course Content:

The course is built on the following 5 pillars:

1.            Self-confidence and improved self-image and self-value – This is the foundation of assertiveness and social effectiveness.  Most of the front-line staff and even middle managers have low self-esteem and lack of confidence in dealing with difficult situations

2.            Understanding communication – This is a serious gap in the education and training for front-line PSWs and even program staff and middle management.  Understanding what is said, and more importantly, what is the underlining structure of the communication is important in dealing with manipulative criticisms, put downs and guilt trips.

3.            Micro-skills in handling criticism and guilt trips, and skills in handling interpersonal relations – A basket of skills such as fogging, negative enquiry, negative assertions, feeling talks, workable compromise etc.

4.            Understanding self – To be effective, the staff has to understand who they are, and and how other people perceives them.  Collecting feedback from others, the participants have to build up a self-image – Who Am I.

5.            Get out of the comfort zone & expanding personal repertoire – To be effective, the participants are asked to try out new things, getting out of their comfort zone.  Participants will be asked to review their experience of getting out of their comfort zone and encourage them to do it after the course and built it in their life experience.

Difference between Social Effectiveness Training and other traditional leadership training:

SET breaks away from traditional didactic training in providing knowledge and teaching.  As we experienced with the front-line staff, just giving knowledge cannot equip them with adequate social skills.  The course takes an interactive approach, or experiential learning approach.  Short lecture is only a small part.  Discussions relating to actual experience is the central part.  Between each session, the participant has to do an exercise.  They have to report back to the group at the next session on their experience and the group will process the experience.  Participants will learn through this processing and through their actual experience.










  1. 増強自信 – 很多前線同工及中級管理人員當應付困難的人際關係時缺乏自信。增強自信是不亢不卑的基礎。

  2. 了解明白人際間的溝通:有效的溝通不只是要明白談話的內容,更要清楚說話背後的結構與邏輯,及其動機。其他訓練通常都忽略這一環。

  3. 學習溝通技巧:學員會學到溝通技巧,以應付困難的人際關係。

  4. 認識自我:要達至卓越,我們要清楚我是誰,在他人眼中我是誰。自省與他人的回饋是認識自我的基礎

  5. 擴闊生活領域:課程鼓勵學員跳出自已的舒適圈,尋找新經驗,擴闊生活領域。



2. Sleep well program 優質睡眠訓練

Studies indicate that about 30% of adults has insomnia.  Insomnia affects people’s daily functioning and may also lead to other physical issues.  Some people who has sleep problem resort to using drugs.  However, most researches indicate that most of the times, drug cannot effectively alleviate the sleep problem and in most cases lead to dependency on drugs.  The current Sleep Well Program uses a non-drug psycho-social approach to help participants tackle the sleeping issue.  This 6 session program consists of the following:

1.        Understand what is sleep and busting common myths about sleep and insomnia.

2.       Help participants develop sleep efficiency.

3.       Look at participants’ life style and the environmental factors affecting sleep.

4.       Managing stress.

5.       Develop positive thinking and developing positive attitude, belief and life-style to promote sleep.

This is an interactive training.  Participants are required to actively participate in discussion and participate in exercises in self-evaluation and self-examination.


研究指出,成年人人口中,有大約三成人患有失眠。失眠影響人們日常工作,同時亦會引發其他毛病。很多失眠患者會尋求藥物治療,但不少研究指出藥物對失眠幫助不大,反而會上癮,引起其他問題。優質睡眠訓練,是一個無藥失眠治療法,帶領參加者從社會心理角度去解決睡眠問題。6 節課程包括以下幾方面:

1.       了解睡眠真相,并紏正對失眠的誤解

2.       幫助參加者提高睡眠效率

3.       與參加者探討生活習慣與環境對睡眠的影響

4.       控制壓力

5.       建立積極思想及態度,良好的生活習慣以提高睡眠質素。


Apr 21, 2007 Yee Hong Interview on SleepArtist Name
00:00 / 14:15
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